Joanna Hejmej
Joanna Hejmej graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University, Three Dimensional Design with specialism in Ceramics. The focus of her practice is lighting and decorative objects. Her ‘Tess’ light collection explores the new ways of creating moulds for ceramic slip casting. It fuses traditional and modern methods of designing, making, skills and knowledge and brings out the best of the two worlds.
The Tess light collection was inspired by geometric patterns found within nature. The motivation behind the collection was integrating long – established techniques of slip casting with elements of additive manufacturing and challenging the way objects are produced. Most of the designing process of the light was completed on computer screen with the use of 3D software. The intricate pattern, indentations of the surface and tessellation were purposefully involved in the design to fully utilize potential of the program and 3D printing process. The plaster moulds created from 3D printed piece were individually slip cast in bone china and hand finished in traditional fashion. The hand-blown glass dome encapsulates the ceramic shape, enhances its semi translucent qualities when illuminated and brings together traditional and contemporary techniques and materials.
Tess lights collection was shortlisted for Carter Preston Prize Exhibition, Liverpool (2018) and is going to be exhibited at New Designers: One Year In, London (2018)